Monday, January 15, 2007

Players Required

Not too long until the new season, so can we collect some names for the team please ? We play Wednesday nights through the summer. It was a good laugh losing, so imagine how much fun we could have, if we manage to win a few. Please leave your name & phone number, so Capt Slade can contact you.



Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Author knocks off a Doll !

What a hot bed for authors North Moreton is. Inspired by other best selling authors in the village, Aunt Sally Celebrity Dave "Boy" Latimer has put quill to parchment to record his experiences in the noble sport, for us all to enjoy. Initially only available in hardback, and running to about a page and a half, this book is a must for any true Aunt Sally fan. It follows the painful, and sometimes humiliating path, bridging 2 centuries, as Dave struggled with this, the most demanding of sports. I don't want to spoil the ending for the reader, but it all ended happily, when on September 13th 2006, Dave fulfilled a lifelong ambition, and hit the Doll !

I urge you to buy the book, and if nothing else, use it to light the fire.